phpVirtualBox: interfaccia web per VirtualBox
Una mancanza in VirtualBox è sempre stata ( e continua ad esserlo ) una gestione impossibile su ambienti server ( se non consideriamo i comandi da shell ), è richiesto un sistema desktop per poter gestire le macchine virtuali in maniera pratica e veloce.
phpVirtualBox sembra a prima vista un progetto molto interessante, è in grado a suo dire di interfacciarsi con le API di VirtualBox permettendo quindi l’uso anche su sistemi server senza accesso desktop.
Sul sito possiamo leggere questa breve descrizione riassuntiva:
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. Much of its verbage and some of its code is based on the (inactive) vboxweb project. phpVirtualBox was designed to allow users to administer VirtualBox in a headless environment – mirroring the VirtualBox GUI through its web interface.
- is designed to be a web interface replacement of the VirtualBox GUI program
- is not designed to run in a “hosting” environment where the concept of VM ownership is required – when you are logged in to phpVirtualBox, you have full control over all VMs in the VirtualBox installation
- aims to perform all VirtualBox administration actions through vboxwebsrv (a SOAP server distributed with VirtualBox)
- does not directly interact with any files on the VirtualBox host
- does not have automatic VM start / stop functionality on system boot / shutdown – this functionality is not provided by the VirtualBox API